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For the Love of Education

For those who have a genuine love for meaningful education we have assembled some of the best content to be found any where to enhance your role as a bishop

All Done from Home or Office

We recognize that you are busy and that your time is precious.  That is why we have created a study program that you can take on your on terms and timetable

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We appreciate the fact that you have given us an opportunity to serve you which is why we have organized this material that focuses upon what you want to learn

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Mini Course


The Apostolic Fathers were a group of early Christian writers who lived in the first and second centuries AD and were believed to have direct or indirect connections to the apostles, the original twelve disciples of Jesus Christ. Their writings hold significant importance in church history as they provide valuable insights into the development of Christian doctrine, the organization of early Christian communities, and the challenges faced by the early Church.

The Apostolic Fathers include prominent figures such as Clement of Rome, Ignatius of Antioch, and Polycarp of Smyrna. Their writings, which consist of letters, epistles, and theological treatises, offer a glimpse into the post-apostolic period, shedding light on the practices, beliefs, and concerns of the early Christian communities.

One of the key themes in the writings of the Apostolic Fathers is the preservation of apostolic tradition and the defense against emerging heresies. They emphasized the importance of maintaining doctrinal purity and unity within the Christian communities, often providing guidance on issues such as ecclesiastical order, moral conduct, and the proper interpretation of scripture.

Additionally, the Apostolic Fathers played a crucial role in shaping the structure of the early Christian Church. Their writings reflect the establishment of a hierarchical order, with bishops, presbyters (priests), and deacons emerging as distinct roles within the Christian communities. The development of the episcopal structure, along with the emphasis on apostolic succession, became foundational elements in the organization of the Church.

3 Lessons - None


This is a Super Mini-Course on the life of Celsus who may have been largely responsible for the rise of Christian Apologists in the first three hundred years of the church's history. The course includes three lessons and a final exam to demonstrate to students how much they have learned on this subject.

4 Lessons - None

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In the realm of Christian clergy, the role of a bishop carries significant responsibilities in providing spiritual leadership. Academic studies prove essential for bishops, offering a theological foundation that deepens their understanding of sacred texts and doctrinal principles. This intellectual formation fosters critical thinking and analytical skills, enabling bishops to address complex moral and ethical challenges with both compassion and intellectual rigor. Equipped with a strong academic background, bishops can communicate profound spiritual truths effectively, engaging with contemporary culture and advocating for social justice. This multifaceted approach ensures that bishops remain culturally relevant, fostering inclusivity and guiding their congregations with wisdom in the face of evolving societal complexities.

Academic studies for bishops also empower them to navigate the intricacies of modern society, addressing issues such as poverty, inequality, and environmental concerns. With a broader perspective, bishops can engage in meaningful theological dialogues, participate in community outreach, and promote positive change within their spheres of influence.

As society evolves, the combination of theological depth, effective communication skills, and social engagement derived from academic studies remains crucial, allowing bishops to bridge the gap between tradition and the realities of contemporary life. This comprehensive approach ensures that bishops are well-equipped to fulfill their sacred duties in guiding and supporting their congregations.


Start Learning From the Best

We have assembled some of the best instructors from around the country to provide you with a significant learning experience that is second to none.  This is a hybrid learning experience that involves self paced video lectures, online webinars and an annual in-person theological intensive

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About The Instructor,
Bishop Andy C. Lewter, D. Min

Bishop Lewter is a native of Brooklyn, NY with an undergraduate degree in Religion from Oberlin College in Oberlin, OH.  He holds a Masters of Divinity degree from Harvard Divinity School, Cambridge, MA (1979) and a Doctor of Ministry degree from United Theological Seminary, Dayton, OH (1994).

He is a founding bishop of the Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship where he has served as a state bishop, General Overseer, Director of Christian Education and currently serves as the fellowship's Historian.

He brings to his teaching a substantial amount of pastoral experience having served the Star of Bethlehem Baptist Church of Ossining, NY (1978-1985), the Oakley Full Gospel Baptist Church (1985-2005), the Hollywood Full Gospel Baptist Cathedral of Amityville, NY (2006-present) and the Queens Ministry of New York City (2014-present)



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